Upper School: 6th and 8th Grade Learning Environment

Class Size: 22 Students
1 Certified Teacher and 1 Teacher Assistant

We recognize the transformative and occasionally tumultuous journey of early adolescence. This stage is not only about academic growth but also about personal and social development.

Our nurturing environment, known as the Captains' Lounge, serves as a sanctuary for 22 emerging young adults, offering understanding, encouragement, and a wealth of resources to support their journey through these pivotal years.

Literature and Real-World Writing: In our literature classes, the Captains engage in deep, meaningful explorations of diverse texts, delving into complex narratives that challenge their understanding and expand their worldview. Writing, in this context, is not merely an academic exercise but a real-world skill.

Our students learn to articulate their thoughts, argue persuasively, and express their unique voices through various writing formats, preparing them for the myriad ways they will communicate and contribute to the world beyond our walls.

Mathematics: In upper school, students are required to take one online course. Our math program will be online, which allows for our learners to have a self paced math track- being able to accelerate or slow down for additional support and repetition.

Our approach to mathematics is both rigorous and relevant, focusing on problem-solving, logical reasoning, and the practical application of mathematical concepts.

The Captains are encouraged to see mathematics not just as a set of rules and formulas but as a language that describes the universe, a tool for solving real-world problems, and a foundation for future scientific and technological innovations.

The Captains' Lounge – A Safe Space: Understanding the unique challenges of this developmental stage, we've established the Captains' Lounge as a safe and welcoming space. It's here that our students can navigate the complexities of adolescence, find their footing amid rapid changes, and build lasting friendships. Our SEL program is particularly crucial at this stage, providing the skills and support our students need to manage their emotions, forge healthy relationships, and make wise decisions.

Our dedicated educators, comprehensive curriculum, and supportive environment work in unison to nurture future leaders, innovators, and thoughtful citizens, ready to navigate the complexities of high school and beyond with confidence, empathy, and resilience.

Critical Thinking and Class Discussions: The Captains' classroom is a dynamic forum for debate and discussion. We foster an environment where students feel safe to voice their opinions, ask challenging questions, and engage in critical thinking.

Discussions often venture into the realm of ethics, encouraging students to grapple with complex moral dilemmas, consider different perspectives, and develop a nuanced understanding of right and wrong.

This practice not only sharpens their intellect but also cultivates empathy and a deep sense of social responsibility.

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