Full-Time vs Part-Time


Full-Time and Homeschool Hybrid Details

★ Opportunities To Choose From (Based on Your Family’s Needs) ★

  • Opportunity #1: All-In-One Education Opportunity (Full-Time: 5 Days, Monday-Friday)

    Personalized Full-Time Academic Instruction: Students receive tailored education in all core subjects including Reading, Writing, Grammar, Spelling, and Math, using a variety of teaching materials and resources.

    Study Lounge and Teacher Assistance: On Thursdays and Fridays, a designated time block is available for students to complete their work and receive assistance with assignments.

    Enrichment and Field Trips: Full-time students have the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities and field trips, utilizing the school van for transportation.

  • Opportunity #2: Comprehensive Learning Experience (4 Days, Monday-Thursday)

    Extended Academic Focus: Four days of focused academic instruction, covering all core subjects with additional depth and enrichment.

    Balanced Approach: A blend of structured learning and independent study, allowing students to delve deeper into subjects of interest.

    Weekly Wrap-Up: Thursdays dedicated to project-based learning, review sessions, and preparation for at-home study on Fridays.

  • Opportunity #3: Hybrid Homeschool with Academic Instruction (Part-Time: 3 Days, Monday-Wednesday)

    Part-Time Academic Instruction: Students receive personalized education in core subjects with the flexibility of completing some assignments at home.

    Parent Involvement: Parents oversee and support their child's learning at home on Thursdays and Fridays, ensuring the completion of assignments and monitoring academic progress.

    Field Trip Participation: Students may join field trips on Thursdays and Fridays, with parents responsible for transportation and supervision.

  • Opportunity #4: Enriching Academic Experience (Part-Time Enrichment: 2 Days, Thursday and Friday)

    Hands-On Learning: Engaging, hands-on activities in Science, Social Studies, and Nature-Based Learning.

    Social and Cooperative Learning: Opportunities for social interaction, cooperative projects, and development of age-appropriate academic skills.

    Field Trips and Outdoor Activities: Bi-monthly field trips and outdoor learning experiences.

  • Opportunity #5: Flexible Enriching Support (1 Day, Choose Thursday or Friday)

    Focused Enrichment: One day a week dedicated to enrichment activities in Science, Social Studies, and other subjects, allowing students to complement their homeschooling curriculum.

    Flexibility: Parents can choose either Thursday or Friday based on their child's needs and family schedule.

    Community Engagement: A chance for homeschooled students to engage with peers, participate in group projects, and enjoy social learning opportunities.

Learn more about our microschool and homeschool hybrid programs!

In this video, we will explain the many ways our school will help your family and provide your child with an extraordinary educational experience! We will discuss the opportunities you have to choose from, our project-based learning model, our upper school integrated trades program, enrichment opportunities, curriculum and design and the enrollment process.

I’d like to learn more! What can I do?

Contact our Director Makenzie Oliver to receive our FREE Introductory Packet! It’s full of helpful information, like our philosophy, tuition costs, our schedule, curriculum, and more! Don’t wait - spots fill up fast!