Additional Offerings
★ Additional Offerings are available upon request ★
★ Before and After School Extended Day ★
Please notify Lighthouse Learning for Extended Day Information.
We offer a Before and After School Extended Day option to families, and this takes place 8:00-8:30 and 3:00-4:00.
As we find more need and interest for our extended day program, we will offer longer hours.
Prices will vary depending on Before School, After School or Both Programs.
Please email to express your interest.
★ Standardized Assessments (PEP Scholarship) ★
In the state of Florida, all students who receive the PEP Scholarship (from Step Up for Students) are required to take a standardized assessment.
Lighthouse Learning will offer a standardized assessment to all PEP students- with parent permission
The assessment will be chosen by Lighthouse Learning.
Parents may choose an outside source to purchase and administer the standardized assessment rather than utilize Lighthouse Learning services.
Parents will be responsible for the cost of the assessment, as well as an administration fee of $100 if choosing to utilize Lighthouse Learning for the assessment administration.
The standardized assessment will need to be completed outside of school hours and by a certified teacher.
Standardized assessments will account for the Homeschool End of the Year Evaluation Requirement.
Homeschooled students (without the PEP scholarship) are given the opportunity to take a standardized test, but do not have to. In this case, the homeschooled student would choose to have an End of the Year Evaluation rather than a standardized assessment.
★ Progress Monitoring (End of the Year Evaluations) ★
All Students who attend Lighthouse Learning for Academic Instruction will be administered an End of the Year Evaluation free of charge, along with progress monitoring assessments throughout the year.
End of the Year Evaluations will account for the Homeschool End of the Year Evaluation Requirement.
Students who attend Lighthouse Learning for Enrichment only may hire Lighthouse Learning to administer an End of the Year Evaluation for a service fee of $100. A Lighthouse Learning certified teacher will sign off on the child’s Evaluation after a series of portfolio review and short grade level assessments in reading, writing and math.
Students who are not enrolled at Lighthouse Learning may hire a certified teacher to administer an End of the Year Evaluation for a service fee of $100. A Lighthouse Learning certified teacher will sign off on the child’s Evaluation after a series of portfolio review and short grade level assessments in reading, writing and math.
★ Summer Camps ★
Lighthouse Learning will be offering summer camp for students going into grades K-6th.
To learn more about our program and reserve your spot with an early bird discount, click here!